Friday, January 21, 2005

Intellectual Wilding defines the slang term wilding as: "To go about in a group threatening, robbing, or attacking others.

I use intellectual wilding to refer to "intellectuals who go about in a group threatening, robbing, or attacking reason."

This blog will work in conjunction with The Roots of Sound Rational Thinking. is interesting in promoting foundational logic that promotes civil discourse and quality reasoning. This blog, however, will take stabs at understanding the negative discourse which seems to dominate the current intellectual climate.

Perhaps by identifying and naming negative trends, we might be able to avert them and get back on the track of positive discourse.

The biggest challenge when discussing negative discourse is that there is a tendency for people to become caught up in all the negative tricks that people use to subvert reason. For that reason, I believe a blog might be a better mechanism for discussing such trends than a more structured program.


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