Wednesday, November 22, 2006

O No, It's O Day

I just wanted to file this under Dangers of Elevating Science to a Religion: (Drudge Report).

Apparently, a group of progressive activists have declared the Winter Solstice (Dec 22) Orgasm for Peace Day. As with most of the spittle that drools from progressives, the activists claim that Orgasm for Peace Day is more than an hedonistic orgy. It is science!

The group starts with the tired claim that Evolutionary Psychology has proven that war occur because baboons like George Bush are still in a lower evolutionary state than Progressives. We must hate George Bush, We must hate George Bush, We must hate George Bush, We must hate George Bush.

If we all hate George Bush with enough raw emotion; we might cause him to evolve.

The second part of the science is a belief that we can affect the randomness of the universe by all joining in a group action ... a group orgasm. This, apparently is especially important in places where people like George Bush built weapons of mass destruction.

Just on the side: Let's assume that these wanks are right and orgasming releases some sort of cosmic power that reduces randomness. How do we know that the result is something good? The slime buckets who engage in this event are likely to kill any life created from the group orgasm. There will also be a large number of people who will use the event to manipulate other people in a negative. Sounds to me like the cosmic energy produced from the event will be a negative hateful force ... and not a butterfly-loving force.

I don't want to reward these wanks with a link. I suspect that a large number of really disgusting males will use this crap to coerce young women to submit on Dec 22. Icky.

This idea that we can create world peace by orgasming is pure mindless superstition ... yet progressives claim it to be science.

I learned to hate religion in college. I wish people would see that the progressives who are trying to raise science to a religion are systematically creating something that is a thousand times worse than Christianity. The genocides done by the Nazis and Communists (both pseudo-scientific religions) were a thousand times worse than Christianity at its worse.

I still love real science. Historically, real science does better in a Christian environment than anywhere else. I think there is a great deal of merit in what Pope Benedict is saying about faith and reason. When you remove reason from faith, you get extremely oppressive religions, when you remove faith from reason, you get really icky, oppressive systems of systematic manipulation.



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