Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving All!

I am thankful that the US is not like Iraq, yet.

Yahoo News reports massive bombing attacks in Sadr City. It is a terrible news to mar a day of Thanks giving.

Unfortunately, our politicians and professors seem to be doing everything in their power to make the US look like Iraq. I hope the people can figure a way out of the binding hatred that is oozing from the left and right in this nation.

I am thankful for the US Soldiers who are in Iraq trying their hardest to find a way to stop the violence. The tens of thousands of deaths that we've heard about on the news is horrible. The hundreds of thousands of murders that took place without being reported during the rule of Saddam was worse. The underreported genocide in Sudan breaks my heart.

Since the days that Hegel and Marx spewed their venom in ink, the west has been struggling with the question of how to deal with violence that comes from inherently violent ideologies. It may be that the only way to deal with these ideologies is to let their inherent violence play out in public.

The Leftist revolutions of the 20th century led directly to rule by genocidal thugs. The modern-Jihadist ideology (which is surprisingly similar to the ideologies of the left) leads to the same end ... rule by genocidal thugs.

The ideologies are compelling. We cannot stop them until the people who hold the ideologies see the result of their actions.

Even that doesn't seem to work.

I was mad at Bush of invading Iraq in 2003. I was mad because the current violence that we see was a predictable result of the Jihadist ideology and the Stalinist methods used by Saddam Hussein.

While I am mad at Bush for one bad decision. I am very proud of the Iraqis and US soldiers who are trying to find ways to establish a responsible, representative government in the county. Bush should be scorned for his bad decision. Bush was right that we would have to stand against radical Islam. The timing and choice of location was not perfect.

The fact that we have to deal with the results of our imperfection is called being humans.

Unfortunately, just like la Revolucion, the only way for the Jihad to end is for the people supporting the Jihad to realize that the Jihad simply leads to rule by thugs, just as the revolution leads to rule by thugs.

I am thankful that the Left (and its counterpart the reactionary right) has yet to turn the US into a place like Iraq. They are trying ever so hard. I hope we can get through the next decade with out degenerating.



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